May 30, 2011

Lisp : Dim Split

Dim Split lisp is used to add secondary or primary text to the dimension.

  • Download Dim Split  click here..
  • Add this to startup suite

Startup suite will load the lisp automatically every time you open autocad.

  • D1  - is used whenever it is required to add an information above the dimension line.
  • D2  - is used whenever it is required to add an information below the dimension line.

Related Post :  Increment Text


  1. Will this lisp work for selecting multiple dimension lines? For example, I would like to note cabinet depth below cabinet width dimension in a line of cabinets. They would all be the same depth so would be nice not to have to do each one individually.

  2. Lisp road alignment and foot cut size
    1. Cut the legs Dim command:
    At the Command prompt, type the command CD , and then select the required cut legs dim, enter and assign new dim foot point
    2. Orders Dim envelope Giong (BoundDim):
    At the Command prompt, type the command BD , and then choose the required alignment dim contours equal, enter and specify new point how dim.
