Jul 13, 2011

Lisp : Break Line & Pipe End

Break Line and Pipe End Lisp is used to create Break lines and Pipe end symbol in proper scale and layer to improve the quality of drawing.

  • Download Break & Pipe(m) Lisp for metre units Click here
  • Download Break & Pipe(mm) Lisp for millimetre units Click here
  • Load Lisp
Steps for Break Line:

  • Command : BRE (for break line)
  • Enter required Scale of view port
  • Pick First point for break line
  • Pick Second point for break line
Steps for Pipe end:
  • Command : PIP (for pipe end symbol)
  • Pick First point for pipe end
  • Pick Second point for pipe end
  • It will create new layer “symbols”
  • Break line command will work only in decimal meter or millimetre units

Error Messages:
  • “Only Decimal units accepted” – This occurs when the lisp command is used in the unit other than DECIMAL units.

  • “Only Metre units accepted” – This occurs when the lisp command is used in the unit other than METRE units

 Related Post : North Direction

Tip : Add tangent circle lisp to “Startup Suite” it will helps to load lisp Automatically


  1. dear mr. Bijoy Manoharan thanks for your lisp file.
    actually i want to ask, how to make 3d pipe with lisp?for example i want to make pipe named A with Outside Diameter:100mm, Inside Diameter:8mm, height:20mm.
    many thanks and sorry for newbie question

  2. Thank you, now I can delete express tools!

  3. i cannot download this.someone could help me.

  4. Hi, Bijoy Manoharan,

    Where is the file?


  5. file is broken..please check

  6. thank you very much
    this lisp is very usefull

  7. Works well, however it clears all the object snap settings after each use. Kind of annoying.

  8. Any chance of getting one for Imperial Units? Please and Thanks!
