Jan 30, 2012

Tip : Superscript and Subscript in Microstation

    A subscript or superscript is a number, figure, symbol, or indicator that appears smaller than the normal line of type and is set slightly below or above it.

    Subscripts appear at or below the baseline, while superscripts are above. Subscripts and superscripts are perhaps best known for their use in formulas, mathematical expressions, and descriptions of chemical compounds.

    To create superscript or subscript in Microstation you need to create new text style for Superscript or Subscript text.

Steps to make Superscript Text Style: 
  • Go to Text Style Dialoge box ( Element > Textstyle)
  • Key-in: textstyle dialog open
  • Copy the current Text style or create new text style call Superscript
  • In Advance tab under Spacing column make Superscript value to True (in V8i and tick Superscript in V8 & V8xm editions)
  • Save

Steps to make Subscript Text Style: 
  • Copy the current Text style or create new text style call Subscript
  • In Advance tab under Spacing column make Subscript value to True (in V8i and tick Subscript in V8 & V8xm editions)
  • Save.

Steps to Place Superscript Text :
  • To make 100 raised to 5, place text 1005 in current text style.
  • Select 5 and change text style to “Superscript”.
  • Now text 5 will changed as Superscript.

Note: Untick "Apply changes to all text " when placing the superscript or subscript text.

Similer Autocad Command :  Superscript and Subscript in Autocad

Related Post : Dimension Audit

1 comment:

  1. can use change the size of the superscript?
