Jan 17, 2011

Lisp : A Bridge Dimension Drawing in 10 Seconds

Deck lisp file will help to make Bridge dimension drawing within 10 seconds

Steps :
  • Download Template "Cad Lisp and Tips" click here...
  • Download Deck.lsp click here…
  • Load Deck Lisp
  • Start a new drawing using "Cad Lisp and Tips.dwt "
          (units and layout settings are made in this template)

  • Type command DECK
  • Enter Width of Deck
  • Enter Depth of Deck
  • Enter Cantilever Width
  • Enter Number of Cells (maximum number of cells should be “4”)

After running this lisp Click inside your VPort ,  load layer manager

Change layers VP Color to White except layer Shade, Wearing Course, Defpoints and Vport.

Hide layer Vport and attach border reference.
Now Your drawing ready to print with CTB None

Note : Annotation used in this lisp, so It will work properly in 2007 and later versions.


1.  ( if bridge width is  >= 20 bridge depth <= 2)

2.  ( if bridge width is  <= 15 bridge depth <= 4)  

3.  ( if bridge width is  >= 15 and bridge width is <= 20 bridge depth <= 4)  

4.  ( if bridge width is  >= 20 bridge depth >= 2 and  bridge depth <= 4) 

Layout 2


  1. This is very interesting. I work with bridges in my job and this could be useful. I would say that the biggest problem with making bridges in CAD is the curved alignement of the roads.

    If you could expand your LISP to be able to use the information from your cross section on a plan drawing, then you would have something that was really worth using and would save people a ton of time.


  3. his is very interesting. I work with bridges in my job and this could be useful. I would say that the biggest problem with making bridges in CAD is the curved alignment of the roads.

    If you could expand your LISP to be able to use the information from your cross section on a plan drawing, then you would have something that was really worth using and would save people a ton of time.

    If u prepare the elevation also it will be easy for design and drafting, also try to insert a command for putting levels
